Hofgard & Associates, P.C.

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1510 28th Street, Suite 275 Boulder CO 80303  Phone: (303) 449-0055 |  Fax: (303) 953-5363 | hofgardlaw@gmail.com 

At Hofgard & Associates, we are dedicated to developing our clients into informed decision makers. We put you in control, first by listening and then by working with you to design unique solutions that help deliver an effective estate plan.

Everyone has an estate plan, but not everyone has an effective estate plan that satisfies the "5 rights:"


  1. Right ASSETS to the
  2. Right PEOPLE at the
  3. Right TIME at the
  4. Right COST under the
  5. Right MANAGEMENT.



Please feel free to Learn about The Five Rights of Estate Planning in a Nutshell.




We offer the following services:

  • Estate Planning (Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney)
  • Business Planning (Corporations, LLCs, etc.)
  • Probate Administration Assistance

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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Do you really need a living trust?

Probate in Colorado is relatively simple and inexpensive.  In fact, for a living trust, a lawyer might charge you 5-6 times what probate fees would be.  A will is often a better, simpler, and less expensive centerpiece for an estate plan.

Living trusts are an important estate planning solution in the right situation, such as when a client has real property in another state, when a client desires complete privacy, or when a client needs financial mangement of his or her assets by an institution (e.g., bank or trust company) in case of incapacity.

However, if you don't fit one of the above situations, it is doubtful that you really need a living trust. And, contrary to what you may have been told, living trusts really have nothing to do with taxes vis-a-vis wills.

Don't be a sucker for a lot of expensive legal paper -- call us today to see if you really need a living trust.

4:18 pm mdt 

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Hofgard & Associates, P.C. * 1510 28th Street, Suite 275* Boulder, Colorado * USA * 80303 Phone: (303) 449-0055 * Fax: (303) 953-5363

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